
"They named a brandy after Napoleon, they made a herring out of Bismarck,and Hitler is going to end up as a piece of cheese."



CinemAperitivo: Lontano lontano [Citizens of the World] [OmeU], I 2019, R: Gianni Di Gregorio mit Ennio Fantastichini, Giorgio Colangeli, Gianni Di Gregorio, 92 Min, Im Anschluss Aperitivo und Gespräch

To change your life you are never too old. This at least hope Attilio, Giorgetto and the Professor, three Romans in their seventies, variously devastated, who one day decide to give up the old neighborhood life and go live abroad. Abroad where? It is only the first of a long series of questions to be resolved, but the Professor, retired after a lifetime teaching Latin, gets very bored, Giorgetto, the last splinter of the people of Rome, fails to make ends meet, and Attilio, second hand dealer and beatnik, would like to relive the emotions of the many trips made in his youth. They are all determined to change their lives and they will succeed, although perhaps not in the way they expected.



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