IndoGerman Filmweek: Sarugugal, IND 2022, R.: Harshini mit Ramanujam TVV, Yasmin Ponnappa, Sashikumar, 106 Min., OmeU (Tamil-Englisch mit englischen UT)
Krishnamoorthy hat sich auch ein Jahr nicht mit dem Tod seiner Frau abgefunden. Er hängt sehr an ihren Sachen und verbringt die meiste Zeit mit den Dingen, die sie hinterlassen hat. Krishnamoorthys Besessenheit beginnt sich langsam auf den Alltag der Familie seines Sohnes auszuwirken. Sein Sohn Shiva unterstützt seinen Vater unerschütterlich und hat das Gefühl, dass er Zeit zum Trauern brauch. Seine Schwiegertochter Renu findet sein Verhalten nicht normal und glaubt, dass es höchste Zeit für ihn ist, weiterzumachen. Renu versucht, ihren Schwiegervater dazu zu bringen, mit seiner Trauer abzuschliessen. Werden Renus Bemühungen erfolgreich sein? Wird er einen Weg finden, mit seinem Verlust umzugehen?
Krishnamoorthy has not come to terms with his wife’s demise, even after a year. He is very much attached to his wife’s
belongings and spends most of his time with the things she left behind.
Krishnamoorthy’s obsession slowly starts to affect the routine life of his son's family. His son Shiva steadfastly supports his
dad and feels he needs time to recover. On the other hand, his daughter-in-law Renu feels that he has been acting
abnormally and it's high time for him to move on.
The story is centered around Renu trying to make her father-in-law let go of his obsession. Did Renu’s efforts succeed? Did
he find a way to deal with his loss?
Director’s Biography
HARSHINI SL (born 1994, based in Chennai, India) is a passionate filmmaker graduated from Anna
University. She has been practising photography for the last 8 years and has made few conservation-based
documentaries. Stepping into filmmaking, she worked as a DOP for two Tamil Indie features and has now
made her directorial debut with the film "Withering". She aspires to make more films and bring more
ideas to life in new Tamil wave.