Big Cuba: Suite Habana [OmeU], Kuba, 2003, Francisquito Cardet, Francisco Cardet, Norma Pérez, Waldo Morales, Iván Carbonell, Raquel Nodal, 80 Min
Sa, 27.7. 20:00 TODAY Special Guest Fernando Perez +Vorfilm 4000 niños (OV) 1980 R: Fernando Pérez 10 min
Suite Habana [OmeU], Kuba, 2003, Francisquito Cardet, Francisco Cardet, Norma Pérez, Waldo Morales, Iván Carbonell, Raquel Nodal, 80 Min
"Suite Habana," is beautiful tone poem on film. There is virtually no dialogue. There are no story lines that build to a climax, no documentary-style voice-overs.
Fernando Pérez is focusing the film on 10 specific individuals, tracking them through 24 hours in their ordinary lives.
In Havanna bricht die Morgendämmerung an, und im Laufe des Tages verfolgen wir das einfache Leben von zehn einfachen Kubanern, nur mit Geräuschen und Bildern, begleitet von Musik.
Dawn breaks in Havana and, as the day progresses, we follow the simple life of ten ordinary Cubans, using only sounds and images, accompanied by music. ES Amanece en La Habana y, a medida que avanza el día, seguimos la vida sencilla de diez cubanos comunes y corrientes, utilizando únicamente sonidos y imágenes, acompañados de música.