
Cinebrasil: Noites Alienígenas, Br 2022, R: Sérgio de Carvalho mit:Gabriel Knoxx , Adanilo, Chico Diaz , 90 min, OmeU

In den Außenbezirken der Stadt Rio Branco im Amazonasgebiet kulmunieren die Lebenswege dreier junger Freunde in einer gemeinsamen Tragödie.

Noites Alienígenas zeigt ein urbanes Amazonien, in dem sich die Traditionen traditioneller Völker dem Zeitgeist widerstehen, der dem Wald entfremdet ist.

Mit phantastischen Erzählelementen präsentiert der Film die Geschichte von drei Charakteren aus den Außenbezirken von Rio Branco, die von städtischer Gewalt und Konflikten zwischen kriminellen Banden betroffen sind.

Nach Schätzungen hat sich die Gewalt im Bundesstaat Acre in den letzten zehn Jahren verdreifacht.


In the outskirts of the city of Rio Branco in the Amazon region, the lives of three young friends culminate in a shared tragedy.

Noites Alienígenas shows an urban Amazonia in which the traditions of traditional peoples resist the spirit of the times, which is alienated from the forest.

With fantastic narrative elements, the film presents the story of three characters from the outskirts of Rio Branco who are affected by urban violence and conflicts between criminal gangs.

According to estimates, violence in the state of Acre has tripled in the last ten years.

In the outskirts of the city of Rio Branco in the Amazon region, the lives of three young friends culminate in a shared tragedy.

Noites Alienígenas shows an urban Amazonia in which the traditions of traditional peoples resist the spirit of the times, which is alienated from the forest.

With fantastic narrative elements, the film presents the story of three characters from the outskirts of Rio Branco who are affected by urban violence and conflicts between criminal gangs.

According to estimates, violence in the state of Acre has tripled in the last ten years.


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