
Best of Sweden: DAS ENDE EINER GROSSEN LIEBE [Elvira Madigan] [OmeU]   BASED ON A TRUE STORY, based on a True love

Elvira Madigan  SWE 1967, R: Bo Widerberg, mit Pia Degermark,Thommy Berggren, Lennart Malmer, 91 Min

For those who know this film, it is one of the most beautiful films ever made: Elvira Madigan/DAS ENDE EINER GROSSEN LIEBE [OmeU]   - BASED ON A TRUE STORY
"Perhaps the most beautiful movie in History" The New Yorker

"Esquisite is only the first word that surges in my mind as an appropriate description of this exceptional film. Its color is absolutely gorgeous. The use of music and, equally eloquent, of silences and sounds is beyond verbal description. The Performances are perfect. That is the only word" Bosley Crowther  NYTimes
May well be the most beautiful Film ever made." Newsweek

Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts in Schweden: Die berühmte Hochseilartistin Hedvig (Pia Degermark) tritt unter dem Künstlernamen Elvira Madigan als Hauptattraktion des Zirkus auf. Unter den Zuschauern befindet sich eines Tages auch Leutnant Sixten Sparre (Thommy Berggren), den die junge und attraktive Künstlerin sofort in ihren Bahn zieht.

Sie verlieben sich, doch Sparre ist bereits verheiratet und hat zwei Kinder. Die Beiden sehen für sich keine gemeinsame Zukunft in Schweden und fliehen nach Dänemark...


The end of the 19th century in Sweden: The famous high-wire artist Hedvig (Pia Degermark) performs under the stage name Elvira Madigan as the main attraction of the circus. Among the spectators one day is Lieutenant Sixten Sparre (Thommy Berggren), who is immediately drawn into the young and attractive artist's orbit.

They fall in love, but Sparre is already married and has two children. The two see no future together in Sweden and flee to Denmark...



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